Scratches Left in the Hardpan

I am the Black Rock Lobster, superhero and protector of Black Rock City. Herein are my reports of patrols and experiences there in the jeweled city on the sands of a vanished sea.


Black Rock Lobster is commonly reffered to as "Lobsterman."

Thursday, September 10, 2009


The Black Rock Lobster is on the Playa! As soon as the car was parked I was out scurrying around. It did not take long for a dust storm to hit.

The Man was placed upon an abstract, flame-like structure made of thousands of bits of wood. It loomed up out of the dust storm as we approached.

In a week's time, the innocent wooden flames would erupt in flames so hot they were white. Directed by the structure the flames churned and roiled, acting more like a plasma than a flame.

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