Scratches Left in the Hardpan

I am the Black Rock Lobster, superhero and protector of Black Rock City. Herein are my reports of patrols and experiences there in the jeweled city on the sands of a vanished sea.


Black Rock Lobster is commonly reffered to as "Lobsterman."

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


On Wednesday we awoke to a bright and clear day. No dust storms in sight. We had advertised our Art Opening for the late afternoon, so we began to hang paintings and prepare the gallery space.

By 5pm we were ready- the wine was chilled, the cheese was sliced, and our art was up!

Lisa crafted hundreds of magical burningman amulets and I had about 60 paintings on display.

It was a night to remember, and due to overwhelming response we did it again on Thursday!

1 comment:

shaun said...

How many paintings did you barter or give away ?