Scratches Left in the Hardpan

I am the Black Rock Lobster, superhero and protector of Black Rock City. Herein are my reports of patrols and experiences there in the jeweled city on the sands of a vanished sea.


Black Rock Lobster is commonly reffered to as "Lobsterman."

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


As we neared the Black Rock Desert, we could see a massive dust storm- at least a mile high.
We went from sunny day to dark, lightless storm.
Once we were in line with other cars, a mere mile or so from the campsites, the dust storm reduced visibility to ZERO and what would normally have been a 10-minute drive turned into a 5-hour ordeal!
I've been in dust storms before, total white-outs, but nothing like this- and I was trying to drive!

Everyone but us became immediately lost, driving this way & that. One car would zoom past and disappear just as another sped past at a different angle. We could not see anything until we passed by an entry storage shack and parked there.
I hoped that the added size of the structure would prevent the other drivers from smashing headlong into us.


We finally made it to our campsite, where we made ourselves comfortable and slept through the remaining storm.

1 comment:

shaun said...

This Whiteout story with lost cars zipping back and forth across your path was awesome. Good to know the Grubs perservered!