Scratches Left in the Hardpan

I am the Black Rock Lobster, superhero and protector of Black Rock City. Herein are my reports of patrols and experiences there in the jeweled city on the sands of a vanished sea.


Black Rock Lobster is commonly reffered to as "Lobsterman."

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Last weekend was spent in the redrock wonderland called Arches National Park. We went there to meet two fellow members of the GrubTribe- Christy and Brenna Grub!

Christy lives in Colorado and Brenna is from the southern states- currently Mississippi.

We took the training required to adventure into the Firey Furnace- probably the coolest terrain on Earth. (and the most fragile)

We spent a great weekend in the company of our sisters.

Monday, August 11, 2008


I have just returned from Pennsic XXXVII. This is the world's largest full-contact medieval war. It's now time to get back to work. I have much to do to prepare for BurningMan this year, and I only have a couple weeks to get it all done!